Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Fiona did her first official roll from her belly to her back today - just to show us how much she truly hates her belly time... :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Blog Is Moving!

With the new addition to the family, we need to update the blog!  We will now be posting at www.colemanandfiona.com going forward.  Soon this url will redirect you to that site, but for the mean time we will have both live.  All of the posts and comments from this blog have been transferred over, so we won't be losing any of our precious memories.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

It was a busy, yet relaxing weekend at our house.  We spend much of the weekend prepping the house for baby girl to arrive.  Sorted through all of Cole's clothes to see what we should keep and then purchased some new items for the baby.  This also meant lots and lots of laundry.  We were also able to work in fun with Cole.  We spent a great deal of time outside playing at the parks and even had a play date with his friend Sofia.  Overall it was a great weekend.

We also realized we have been in California for 5 years now.  This is the longest either of use have lived in one house (old place) and the longest either of us have had the same job.  Amazing how much life has changed in the past 5 years, but we wouldn't change a thing.

 Cruising on a Saturday morning.

 Action shot - He loves to jump lately and show you how high he can go.

 Mom and son.  Cute!

 Hitting the playground.

 Much needed break from playing soccer.

 We needed a family photo for school and realized we didn't have any recent ones so we took one over the weekend.  Took awhile to get this shot.  3 year olds don't sit still!

Heading off to the first day of school on Tuesday. He is going two full days a week this Fall and then moving to three in January.  Transitions are still tough, but he has a blast while there and tells you he had "A great, great day" when you pick him up.   

Monday, August 15, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Cole on Zip Line

Video taken by Deb of Cole testing out the zip line.

Happy Birthday!

We are a little late with posting as we have been in the process of moving and are now on a trip to the East Coast.  More pictures and videos to come soon, but I wanted to post two little videos from Cole's 3rd Birthday.  Grandma and Grandpa were in town so we were able to celebrate amongst the boxes.  He had a great birthday and is having a blast with his cousins on our trip.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

We are having a nice relaxing weekend.  On Saturday we checked out the UCI Farmer's Market as we had heard it was a lot of fun.  It was huge compared to the one we have in our neighborhood, but also a little busy for our taste.  The rest of the day was spent around the house playing and packing getting ready for our move in a couple of weeks.

Sunday we had a wonderful morning down at the beach.  The nice thing about having an early riser is you can get the best seats at busy restaurants on the weekend!  We had a nice breakfast by the water at BeachCombers and then played in the sand for awhile.  Later that day we headed to the pool where Cole has become quite the avid water fan.  (Big change from a couple of years ago.)  They actually go to the pool every day in his summer camp, but they only go to the wading pool.  So we decided to take him to the big pool and let him practice swimming a bit.  He had a blast as did we.

On Monday Cole an mommy headed out early and got breakfast on their way to the beach.  Trying to beat the crowds as it gets crazy around here on Holidays.  After racing cars down a big hill and playing in the sand for a bit, they made their way back home.

Tonight is a BBQ with some friends and then getting ready for the short week.  Be safe and have a Happy Fourth everyone!

First Movie - Cars 2

Cole went to his first movie in a theater on Friday and of course it was Cars 2.  He really enjoyed the experience and was very well behaved.  He had to take a nap on Friday in order to go to the movie and thankfully he did as dad really wanted to see the movie.  The movie was ok...not quite as good as the first one, but Cole didn't mind.  As with any movie going experience Cole had some treats to make the movie better.  He has a taste for lemonade and twizzlers.  When the movie ended Cole stayed for all of the credits as he didn't want to miss any of the show.  And as we were ready to leave he told us he wanted to see the movie again.

Hopefully we will go see Winnie the Pooh next.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Painting with Grandma

One of Cole's favorite things to do is paint.  He uses paint brushes and water.  Great activity on a warm day.  He had a blast painting with Grandma on his recent visit.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First Time Bowling

While in Ames on our recent trip Cole went bowling for the first time and loved it!  Check out the shoes.  We were surprised they made shoes his size.  The alley was great for little kids.  Two games was the max as Cole started to loose attention, but up to that point he was really engaged.  He liked watching the score on the screen.  Other favorites were the hand dryer and the routine of getting a sip of lemonade after each roll.  He was super cute jumping up and down and cheering on his ball which he named "DOT".